Graduating College Part 2

I have a family. A family I do love; two younger brothers and one younger sister. They are my children and instead of a childhood at least in return I learned what it was like to be a mother. I can’t complain about babysitting, everyone everywhere has at some point in their lives taken care of children. My brothers are my life and my sister my stressful teenage comrade but I was subjected into a life of ignorance and no freedom since my parents’ separation when I was seven. I was twelve when I was left at home with a newborn baby to take care of…and to be honest I was not stable.

I was eight years old when I first called the police. He had always been nice, he showed me games online and was always on my side to make me smile after my mother yelled at me for being not good enough. when she would make me run in place at night so I would lose some weight but then would feel bad and buy me a bunch of junk food the next day and make sure I eat a lot just to repeat the verbal abuse again the next week. He was also the man my mother made me call dad after she took me and my 4 your old sister to California to start her ‘singing career.’ I was not ready. And it was my time in California the next two that taught me I was fat, powerless, and useless…and that no one wanted me. Oddly enough, thats the phrase I heard most often from my mother since the time she took us away from my hometown. “No one would ever love you or care for you. Only your family will because they have to and your only family is me and your sister.” Over the years she added to the phrase whenever she gave birth again.

I keep going off topic but then again, this blog was made so I can just freely write. So anywayssss, that man was the second boyfriend I can muster from my memory that my mother had but the first from California. The first boyfriend was from an even earlier..funny enough I can remember him from when my mother was still with my father so as she mentally brainwashed me over the years she had me thinking my father was in the wrong for everything as I grew older, because, if you cannot trust the person who raises you then who would you believe? And when that father in question never really shows up again you cannot disprove your mothers claims that he doesn’t want you.

Back again…that man in California in time proved to be of a jealous kind. My mother did not help the situation by having so many male friends in her pursuit of gaining connections in the singing industry either. Then one night he could not hold it in anymore, he snapped her phone in half and threw a chair against the wall over her head. I was in bed and I remember it being dark and glimpses of shadows fighting…I remember the screaming well. My mother yelled at me to wake up and call 911 and I did yet from all this I cannot remember what I said into the phone nor what happened next. Only that the rooms became bright and the policemen were there. My impression of the policemen were of strength and protection but my mind darkened when two of the officers were joking. One said that the mom looked too young and pretty to have children, she was 26 at the time, and another joked lightly that he could date her. Although grateful, I never had much contact with adults and when I did I always felt like they were only into ‘relationships.’ The cops were nice but I was not entirely happy.

I end this post with this memory because I want to start my life stories from there. Once everything is out I think I can finally say what I have decided to do now that I am 21 and graduating in May of 2015. I will keep writing until I graduate and I plan to tell you the result then. Maybe think of this as my ‘Wrongful Biography?’ A place for me to whine since I cannot do it anywhere else without feeling like a burden. I will be titling all my posts in order =) And sorry but I wont be checking for grammar since I want to write it all out and not have to re-read any of this, because I never will nor will I want to. This will be my journey to healing.

Graduating College

I was raised to be unable to disobey my mother. I was raised to be meek, to be quiet, to not disrespect nor show my true feelings to ‘outsiders.’ Most people who do not know me would call me sheltered…overprotected. What people did not see or even try to see… was my broken mind and scarred memories. I was not allowed to speak my mind if it opposed my mother’s thoughts. I used to be slapped or beat for such ‘disrespect.’ I was yelled at for asking questions, I was asked by my own mother at the age of eight if I ate dog feces instead of rice since I was so stupid. And I was expected never to look at her or say anything to her verbal assaults because she had a stressful day and I existed to be her punching bag or screaming pillow. I existed not to be myself, I don’t even know what that was. Looking back on my life my emotions only range from feeling wronged, anger and sadness…where did my childhood go? When did it go wrong? How did she get so scary? Why didn’t I say something or left sooner? WHY?

But I have long stopped wondering anymore because the moment I left for college…finally had time to think for myself I found my answers and they left me empty. Why? Because knowing those answers changed nothing. I was still under her control, I still could not speak up and I no longer knew what I was doing anymore. I have to give her credit, she is magnificent in her molding and in her manipulation of her children. There are times when I wonder if I am just one of those children acting out and being ungrateful to the woman who raised me…but I am grown and I have learned. That I was a victim and she was wrong and she still does not know it.

To those of you who have read this I will post an update soon on how and why I have changed and how I have dealt and have been dealing with her…and the pain I will soon go through because what I will soon choose to do when I graduate college would mean more than just rebelling against an unjust mother.

My first really anything

Have you ever just sat around thinking, I hope that person who will understand me will appear one day? But therein lays the problem. I will not say the problem is that anyone who has ever had that thought is just that. Just thinking and waiting, taking no further steps…I find nothing wrong with that. The problem is, that person doesn’t exist. And that person never will, not because there isn’t a caring person in the world. Not because we lack actual ‘good’ decent human beings anymore but rather no one, no matter how similar the experiences are can feel or think they way that you do. The best you can wait for is someone who tries. The person that is always trying to understand you, makes you one lucky person. Because they give you a false but nice feeling of not being truly and utterly alone. Everyone lives in their own world, whether that world overlaps with another human being is a miraculous thing. I wonder how some people can never realize how special just interacting with another human being can be. How a single conversation can be so bland yet fascinating in the fact that there is actual communication between the two. I don’t know…I might be crazy but for a human being whose purpose is to not just exist but to belong, many of us just overlook the achievement of just having someone remember and mention you outside of your scope, making you exist beyond your reach. I never thought I would be so lucky. I actually didn’t want that luck, that kind of ‘over-lapping-worlds’ happiness always comes with a price. I am not being pessimistic, only facing reality, using my life as an example to my understanding of how the world works since there is no other way to think. I am but a sum of my memories and that is what brought me here today. It is about time I figured out the words to my life and its about time I realize what I want.